Bayana Agreement for Property Format


Bayana Agreement for Property Format

Bayana agreement for property is a commonly used format in the real estate industry. This agreement is also known as an advance agreement, and it is a crucial part of the property buying process. In this article, we will dive into the Bayana agreement for property format, its purpose, and importance.

What is Bayana Agreement for Property?

Bayana agreement for property is a legal document that acts as an agreement between the buyer and the seller. It is a preliminary agreement that covers the key aspects of the property transaction. This agreement is signed before the final sale deed is executed between the buyer and the seller.

The Bayana agreement for property includes details such as the sale price, payment terms, possession date, and other important terms and conditions. Once the agreement is signed, the buyer will pay a certain amount of money as an advance or token money to the seller. This amount is usually a fraction of the total sale price.

Purpose and Importance of Bayana Agreement for Property

The Bayana agreement for property serves several purposes. Firstly, it ensures that both the buyer and seller are serious about the transaction. The buyer commits to buying the property, and the seller commits to selling it at the agreed price.

Secondly, it helps to avoid any last-minute changes to the transaction. The terms and conditions mentioned in the agreement are binding, and both parties are expected to abide by them. This avoids any confusion or disagreements at the time of the final sale deed execution.

Lastly, the Bayana agreement for property provides legal protection to both the buyer and seller. If either party breaches the terms and conditions of the agreement, then the other party can take legal action against them.

Bayana Agreement for Property Format

The Bayana agreement for property format is a simple document that includes the following details:

1. Particulars of the buyer and the seller

2. Details of the property such as location, size, and property type

3. Sale price and payment terms

4. Possession date

5. Details of the advance payment made by the buyer

6. Ongoing expenses related to the property

7. Conditions for cancellation of the agreement

8. Signatures of the buyer and the seller


In conclusion, the Bayana agreement for property is an essential document in the real estate industry. It helps to ensure that both the buyer and the seller are serious about the transaction, avoids any last-minute changes, and provides legal protection to both parties. The format of the agreement is simple and can be easily understood by both parties. As a potential property buyer or seller, it is important to be aware of the Bayana agreement for property format.

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