Explain the Subject Verb Agreement Rule That Applies to a Singular Collective


Explain the Subject Verb Agreement Rule That Applies to a Singular Collective

Subject-verb agreement is an essential part of grammar in the English language. It refers to the proper use of verb forms based on the subject of a sentence. In simple terms, it means that the verb in a sentence should agree with the subject in terms of number. But what happens when the subject is a singular collective? How does the rule of subject-verb agreement apply in such cases?

A singular collective refers to a group of people, animals, or things acting as a single entity – for example, a team, committee, crowd, group, jury, family, or government. Although these nouns may represent a collection of individuals, they are considered singular nouns in terms of grammar. Thus, when using them as a subject, the verb conjugation should match that of a singular noun.

The general rule for subject-verb agreement with a singular collective noun is to use a singular verb. That means that the verb form used must agree with the subject`s singular form, not the number of individuals within the collective.

For example:

– The team is arriving at the stadium. (not `are arriving`)

– The committee meets once a month. (not `meet`)

– The crowd was cheering as the band played. (not `were cheering`)

– The family enjoys spending time together. (not `enjoy`)

– The government has announced new measures. (not `have`)

However, there are exceptions to this rule. In some cases, the verb form can be plural if the collective noun refers to individuals acting independently or separately.

For instance:

– The family are in disagreement over the matter. (referring to each member of the family)

– The committee were unable to reach a consensus. (referring to each member of the committee)

Another instance where a plural verb can be used with a collective noun is when it is preceded by the word `members of`:

– Members of the committee were debating the proposal. (not `was debating`)

– Members of the team were injured during the game. (not `was injured`)

In conclusion, the rule for subject-verb agreement with singular collective nouns is to use a singular verb form in most cases. However, there are exceptions where a plural verb form can be used when the collective noun refers to individuals acting independently or when preceded by the phrase `members of.` It is important to keep these exceptions in mind while writing to ensure proper subject-verb agreement and clear communication.

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